Today, at the Indigo Project evaluation meet-up, I mentioned to some folk the way that, to my mind, many of the areas we are working with in this project involve Wellbeing. For instance, the way in which we met up and 'connected' today provided us with support and creative exchanges, and was, I felt, empowering. The Five Ways to Wellbeing (summarised, above) are a simple toolkit of principles which, taken together, are likely to enhance good mental health and wellbeing. Working with these 'Ways', you can makes small changes which add up to real benefits - both, for you and your workplace and community.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...
As it so happens, I am on the management committee of the Norfolk Wellbeing Forum, and I write a blog where I reflect on ways to enhance wellbeing. If you want to find out more, then click on the fish (on a dish?), below...